This is my first day out on my own... I must say the thing I miss the most already is being able to talk to somebody and share my thoughts about this impeccable city. I though my grandmother was the best at cleaning but she was overrated... I had never been in such a clean city, everything runs so smoothly, it makes you even uncomfortable sometimes, as if you wouldn't fit.
Singapore is, above all, an incredible mixture of people, ethnics and cultures. Signs are written in four languages: English, Malay, Simplified Chinese and Tamil. My hotel, the Bayview Hotel Singapore is nice and well communicated with the city center. I left my big luggage back at the Changi Airport. By the way, the Airport was incredible, the most silent, efficient and of course clean airport I have ever seen. The Barcelona-Frankfurt flight was delayed but hopefully I managed to get to the other side of the never-ending Frankfurt Airport on time. Singapore Airlines, so far, the best airline you could dream of (in Economy Premium Class), they even have a PC on board for every seat with a USB port and you can work there all flight long (thanks to Sun Microsystems). Off for now, I want to see the Night Safari Zoo. Miss you all!
1 comentari:
Que arribessis amb retard a frakfurt segur que acaba sent positiu. Pensa que algun retard havies de patir en el munt de vols que agafes, per tant, com que ja l'has tingut, els altres ja aniran bé :)
Per aquí tot igual. Quina enveja que em fas... Ja espero que pengis les fotos...
Estic començant a omplir la teva habitació, no m'agrada veure-la buida, però encara no he fet el canvi... se'm fa dur.
Un petonet molt fort des de Barcelona
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