My first stop is Singapur, a city-state which I have been wanting to visit for a very long time... I will be staying there for three days only, they say there is no much more to see but the truth is that I wanted to stay more days in Australia (my next stop). These are my scheduled flights:

My final destination (for now) is Auckland in beautiful New Zealand where I plan to stay the next nine months undertaking my Master Thesis on 3D Television. I am really looking forward to it. All these last days, I have been trying to set my visa paperwork right but I have the feeling it won't be ready on time.
It's time to say good-bye to the beloved ones and sometimes I just feel really sad for that, hey, after all, I am going to the antipodes. Although distance may shock huge, it is not the end of the world. New Zealand is among the richest countries in the world and the first country in the world when it comes to do business. Why is that? I am about to find out.
1 comentari:
My beloved Pau
I hope you really or enjoy you trip. I feel sad because you won't buy CK boxers and Lacoste Polo for half a dollar. Also, probably nobody will shout "Follaaaaaaaaarr" with half a body outside the taxi through the window of a taxi. But these are matters irrelevant in a world round trip. Take a good time in your big and really personal adventure. Hope to see you again a shout "Folllaaaaar follaaar" in a single voice together again. Maybe, this is the essence of Life. And maybe not. But It doesn't matter really.
Take a good time, find love, make love and tell us.
Con mucho cariño, JIM!
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