Passport loaded, now I have to take care of the packing issue... You all know the famous question: "What would you take with you onto a desert island?". Well, the problem here I think it's even further complicated... How would you pack a nine-month luggage into two pieces without overweighting 20 kg? Please if you have the final answer, let me know...
As I said though, this is a minor problem. Some of you might have thought "Well, why don't you pack 20 kg and send the rest via a courier?". Okay, to bring some light into that, you need to know that sending 1 little kg of stuff down there costs around 100 EUR. Now we are clear... :-)
In case someone is interested in the paperwork, please note that you need an electronic authorization to enter Australia and there is no need for a special visa if your stay is shorter than 3 months long either in Singapore or NZ (although you have to prove that you have enough money to sustain yourself, that would be around 1.500 EUR, and a flight ticket reservation to fly out of the country). It's a complete different story if you want to go there to study or work, you might want to take a look here if you precise more information and check out your local Ministry of International Affairs website.
I couldn't close this without saying 'thank you' to my very best friends in Madrid who kindly hosted me and helped me out although I came out of the blue. Un saludo muy especial a Esther y a Luis.
1 comentari:
Pack the most expensive things (economically or sentimentally) and buy new stuff in NZ. You've got a consistent excuse: it's cheaper to buy than to send or pay overweighted luggage.
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